Environmental Sampling / Monitoring
Cottonwood implements high quality sampling techniques to ensure representative samples are meticulously collected using best industry practices. We understand that different development areas and industries have unique contaminants of concern and associated regulations, and our samples are collected accordingly. Cottonwood can help you develop and implement appropriate monitoring programs to observe and interpret changes over time and keep you in compliance with local, state, and federal regulations. Cottonwood specializes in environmental sampling and monitoring for the oil and gas, mining, transportation, and construction industries, and for compliance and mitigation purposes. Our sampling and monitoring services include:
Soil / Sediment Sampling
Groundwater, Surfacewater, and Produced Water Sampling
Domestic Water Well Sampling
Installation of Groundwater Monitoring Wells
Gas Composition Sampling
Soil Gas Sampling
Seep Monitoring
Installation of Soil Vapor Tube Monitoring Locations
Collection of Meteorological Data
Indoor Air Quality Sampling
Long-term Monitoring